The Companies that Care podcast highlights companies and business leaders who are making a difference in the world, like Dr. Erica Gamble, known as the Wig Dr.
The Wig Dr., headquartered in Marietta, GA, specializes in high-quality wigs and hair pieces for people suffering from hair loss because of chemotherapy, alopecia, and other auto-immune disorders.

It all started when Erica wore her mom’s wig to her private high school one day. The nuns were not pleased, because they associated wigs with prostitution.
“I thought wow, how could this be so wrong when it feels so right? All I had to do is get up, pop it on out the door…it was just magical…this cannot be that bad.”
Erica continued to wear wigs through her life for fun. She worked in corporate America for 20 years and felt the pressure to always look good, which could be hard at times when she was traveling. Wigs continued to be an easy solution.
When they built their home they ran out of space because Erica had so many wigs…so she decided to open a wig boutique. And the Wig Dr. was born!
The Wig Dr. has attracted some big name attention. Erica was featured on the Drew Barrymore show with Gabrielle Union, and this summer Master Card chose her as a Black-woman-owned business to spotlight. She appeared in a commercial hosted by Jennifer Hudson and got to walk the red carpet at a big event.

Most of Erica’s clients have never worn wigs before. They come to her because they are losing their hair through illness or alopecia. She loves being able to help them look and feel their best.
I alternate the Companies That Care podcast with my original podcast, Finding Fertile Ground, which shares personal stories of grit and resilience. On both my podcasts I strive to highlight voices from historically excluded populations, people who don't always get a platform. Find out more on my website and social media.
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With 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, I am passionate about sustainability and corporate citizenship, equity & inclusion, businesses that use their power for good, and doing everything I can to create a kinder, more sustainable, and just world. We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world.
As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community. We are podcasters united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and many others at the hands of police. This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception and we are committed to standing against racism in all its forms.
Fertile Ground Communications LLC is a certified women-owned business enterprise, disadvantaged business enterprise, and emerging small business.