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200 items found for ""What I learned at Holden""

  • We all need community (What I learned at Holden)

    .* Last week I spent a week in Holden Village  in the North Cascades above Lake Chelan, Washington, with Many of the young adults in our group grew up going to Holden together, forming lifelong bonds, so it Growing up in a hippie, huggy church, I learned to call adults by their first names and was inspired to learn how to play the guitar by watching my babysitters. evening…having rich intellectual and silly conversations…deepening old friendships and making new friends…learning

  • What I learned at Holden, #5: Daily contemplation cultivates clarity

    This article is #5 in a series about what I learned/relearned from a week in beautiful Holden Village One morning at Holden as I listened to an excellent lecture about refugees by Krish O’Mara Vignarajah Each day at Holden, I doodle journaled during workshops or on my daily sojourn to my favorite place I find it easier to prioritize journaling when I’m at Holden. *The week before I went to Holden, I took a wonderful doodling class with art teacher Pam Consear .

  • What I learned at Holden, #4: Celebrating failure boosts creativity

    This article is #4 in a series about what I learned/relearned from a week in beautiful Holden Village , after failing repeatedly while inventing the lightbulb During the “Cultivating Joy” workshops at Holden We can learn from each other’s experiences and build on shared insights. Promotes continuous learning:  When we regularly embrace failure, we continuously learn and improve. Continuous learning is vital for sustained creativity and long-term success.

  • What I learned at Holden, #3: We all need more joy and play

    This article is #3 in a series about what I learned/relearned from a week in beautiful Holden Village As synchronicity would have it, the next week we were lucky to be in Holden Village with a trio who We learned it’s okay—actually good for us! —to fail, and it’s good to let go of knowing exactly what is going to happen every second of the day. What are you waiting for? Bring more joy, laughter, and play into your life now!

  • What I learned at Holden, #2: Going off the grid resets you

    This article is #2 in a series about what I learned/relearned from a week in beautiful Holden Village Holden Village is located in the Glacier Peak Wilderness of Washington, 3,200 feet above sea level. As one of the most remote, continuously inhabited places in the continental United States, Holden has Personal growth A break from information overload allowed me to reflect on myself, my life, and what It also allowed more time for learning and risk taking.

  • Women who inspired me to ask for what i deserve

    I'm grateful to the women in my life who have taught me to stand up for myself and ask for what I deserve men made this country what it is," by adding "and women!" She gave me a name for what I believed: feminism. She taught me to advocate for myself and what I believed in...and that I could lead a whole department Kudos to these incredible women for helping me to recognize my own worth and ask for what I deserve!

  • Eliminate sexism from your communications (why I love and hate Christmas carols)

    As for "ladies and gentlemen," what about the nonbinary folx who are excluded in this term? I am no lady! I prefer to think of myself as a badass! Time to update our language! 6. I have a name, and I consider it an insult when my name is not used. prefer “household manager”) MILF Emotional or worked up (as in, “Don’t get worked up”) Calculating What am I missing here?

  • Devin Tomiak: Helping kids learn how to be resilient after experiencing a personal tragedy

    This week on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast, I interview Devin Tomiak, founder of The Biggies Cards She felt close to her brothers and had a happy childhood…which made what would happen later feel even So when he died it really felt like the rug was pulled out from underneath me, because I felt like if “When he died, I had a son who was 2-1/2 and I was pregnant with my second son. So as I'm grieving I was also mummying.

  • "What Happens to a Dream Deferred?"*

    Back in January before the world shut down, I started working with The Immigrant Story nonprofit to prepare of storytellers had all been featured in a photo exhibition at the Oregon Historical Society called "What And Bernal Cruz will describe what it feels like to go home to your country of origin (Guatemala in his case), and how it’s not always what you expect it to be. I hope you can join us, or if not, view later!

  • Word of the year 2025: SWAY

    I plan to sway like a dancer when I’m feeling stress or worry Like a mama rocking her baby when I need I especially like this song I found by Kacey Musgraves : "Maybe one day I'll learn how to sway Like a palm tree in the wind I won't break, I'll just bend”   Since sway is all about movement, I created try to start my mornings by listening to the playlist, reminding myself to chill and sway, no matter what You can learn more about me at .

  • Unlearn your history on Indigenous People’s Day

    Growing up in Oregon, I learned about Lewis & Clark, Captain Cook, and Christopher Columbus “discovering Fascinated by Native Americans, I probably got more exposure than many white children: I learned about I recall she didn’t seem very happy. I cringe now to wonder what the experience was like for her. I didn’t learn about the Doctrine of Discovery until a few years ago. I didn’t realize so much what I’ve seen or read was warped by racism and manifest destiny.

  • Celebrating Five Years: The Highs and Lows of Running My Own Business

    He responded to “What will your mom be famous for?” with “Running her own business.” I’ve learned more in the last 5 years than my last 20 in corporate settings. I’ve learned how to do everything...graphic design, IT, web development, accounting, business developing Financial aid: Because my income fluctuates and is lower than what I previously made, my middle son got What are your own highs and lows? I'd love to hear from you!


​Fertile Ground Communications

Portland, Oregon


Tel: 503-860-6351

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